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Top 10 FAQs on Filing of Civil Lawsuits by Foreign Individuals & Foreign Corporations in India: Best Corporate Lawyer Advice in Delhi NCR

Best and Experienced Lawyers online in India > Business Laws  > Top 10 FAQs on Filing of Civil Lawsuits by Foreign Individuals & Foreign Corporations in India: Best Corporate Lawyer Advice in Delhi NCR

Top 10 FAQs on Filing of Civil Lawsuits by Foreign Individuals & Foreign Corporations in India: Best Corporate Lawyer Advice in Delhi NCR

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1. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations file civil lawsuits in India?
Answer: Yes, foreign individuals and foreign corporations can file civil lawsuits in India.

2. What types of civil lawsuits can foreign individuals or foreign corporations file in India?
Answer: Foreign individuals and foreign corporations can file civil lawsuits in India where a civil liability arises i.e. whereby recovery of money is claimed, civil suit seeking damages, civil suit seeking compensation, suit for specific performance of contract etc.

3. What is the jurisdictional requirement for filing a civil lawsuit in India as a foreign individual or foreign corporation?
Answer: The jurisdictional requirement depends on the place where the Opposite Party resides and/or the official registered address of the Opposite Party respectively.

4. Are there any limitations on the time period for filing a civil lawsuit in India?
Answer: Yes, there are limitations on the time period for filing civil lawsuits in India. These limitations are prescribed by the Limitation Act, which sets the maximum time within which a lawsuit can be filed from the date when the cause of action arises. The limitation period varies depending on the nature of the civil lawsuit respectively.

5. Is it necessary to appoint a lawyer to file a civil lawsuit in India as a foreign individual or foreign corporation?
Answer: No, a foreign individual or a foreign corporation can directly contest their lawsuit in India.

6. Are there any additional requirements or procedures for foreign individuals or foreign corporations to file a civil lawsuit in India?
Answer: Foreign individuals and foreign corporations do not have to comply with any additional requirements.

7. What documents are generally required to file a civil lawsuit in India as a foreign individual or foreign corporation?
Answer: The specific documents required may vary depending on the nature of the lawsuit. Generally, documents such as the complaint, supporting affidavits, relevant contracts or agreements, evidence, and identification documents of the parties involved are required.

8. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations claim damages in a civil lawsuit in India?
Answer: Yes, foreign individuals and foreign corporations can claim damages in a civil lawsuit in India.

9. Is there a possibility of enforcing a foreign court judgment in India?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to enforce a foreign court judgment in India. However, the process for enforcement involves filing a separate lawsuit in India to recognize and enforce the foreign judgment. The enforcement of foreign judgments is governed by the Code of Civil Procedure and international treaties, if applicable.

10. Are there any alternative dispute resolution mechanisms available in India for foreign individuals or foreign corporations?
Answer: Yes, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as arbitration and mediation are widely used in India. Parties can include arbitration or mediation clauses in their contracts to resolve disputes outside of court. Arbitral awards can be enforced in India under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1196 and the amendments thereafter.
Authored By: Adv, Anant Sharma

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