Outsourcing Agreement: Foreign Company & Indian Company

The professional team of Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice are taking up an initiative solely to educate and enlighten the public at large with respect to the various aspects of different laws and/or legislations vis a vis their legal implications and importance while duly considering the legal procedures involved. The professional Advocates & Lawyers are sharing their experiences solely for the purpose of spreading legal education. The name of the actual entity and/or person is hidden and shall be hereinafter mentioned and referred to as “Querist”.
Our Querist is a Media Company, which is into the field of rendering digital marketing services to some big players of different industries and is based out in United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Querist had been working in the said field for more than a decade and is simultaneously rendering advertising services both in the electronic and print media. The Querist wanted to outsource some of the work with respect to digital promotions and the preparation of certain promotional creatives and videos to a Company in India.
The Querist had approached us to enquire about the process involved whereby the above arrangement could be made. The Querist was advised that they can enter into an agreement whereby they can outsource the work from the Company which is registered in United Arab Emirates can be outsource to a Company registered in India, by way of an International Commercial Agreement. The Querist was also apprised about the validity of these Agreements and how they can be secured by way of inserting a clause for International Arbitration and with respect to the jurisdiction of Courts in case of arising of a dispute. Further, the clauses with respect to the work performance and the time schedules were also mentioned vis a vis the pricing and the taxation liabilities of both the Companies.
We hope that the case study would envisage the legal importance and validity of the Agreement to outsource the services which was executed between the Foreign Company and an Indian Company, to our readers and increase their knowledge about the International compliances including that of the business laws and/or corporate laws.