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Business Laws

Laws & Legal Procedure for a Sole Proprietorship Firm go ahead with Voluntary Filing of Application for Insolvency and Bankruptcy: Lawyers Advice

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 has been revolutionary for consolidating and bringing forth a single law that governs insolvency and bankruptcy matters. It is segmented differently for the two categories, namely corporates, and individuals and firms. As regards filing...

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Legal Remedies available after the Invocation of Force Majeure clause in a Contract: Lawyers Advice

The Black’s Law Dictionary defines the term Force Majeure as an event or effect that can be neither anticipated nor controlled. Such incidents happen independently without the will of human beings. Due to the happening of such events, enforcement of...

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Ten Most Important Clauses to be Incorporated in a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Lawyers Advice

In today’s world, the primary asset of most businesses is often information. This information could include intellectual property, strategic plans, research and development and data. In order to ensure that the receiving party does not divulge the information that is...

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