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Foreign Investments in India & it’s Inherent Benefits | FDI Attorney in Delhi NCR | FDI Attorney in India | India Business Entry

Best and Experienced Lawyers online in India > Business Laws  > Foreign Investments in India & it’s Inherent Benefits | FDI Attorney in Delhi NCR | FDI Attorney in India | India Business Entry

Foreign Investments in India & it’s Inherent Benefits | FDI Attorney in Delhi NCR | FDI Attorney in India | India Business Entry

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In the last past five years there has been a steep increase in the foreign investments in India. These investments are being done by both the Individuals as well as the Corporations and ranges from investments made across different sectors i.e.

  1. Real Estate
  2. Information Technology
  3. Infrastructure Development
  4. Defence & Ship Building
  5. Technology Based Startups
  6. Space Technology
  7. E-Commerce & M-Commerce

The foreign investments in India are being done because of the inherent benefits attached to it i.e.

  1. Stable Government
  2. Safety & Security of Investments by way of Legislations, Government Interventions and Judicial Dictums
  3. Educated, Skilled & Talented Manpower
  4. High Gross Domestic Product (GDP) & Economic Growth Prospects
  5. Better Return on Investments (RoI)
  6. Push for Make in India

The Government of India is setting up Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), Economic Corridors, Defense Corridors, Manufacturing Corridors and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to ensure the best avenues available, for foreign investments in India.

A lot of foreign Corporations like Uber, Walmart, IKEA, Armaco, Amazon, Apple, Renault, Jeep, Boeing, Samsung, Yamaha, Sony, Xiomi and many more have invested in India and are operating in India whereby in many cases India act as the major channel and support partner. Furthermore, many have entered into specific Joint Ventures (JVs) and/or have entered into Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and/or are working in India either through the direct or the indirect route respectively.

The laws in India are investor friendly and are made in such a manner that they not only favouring the Investor but are also securing their investments. In a recent incident when there was debacle with the YES Bank, which is one of the leading private bank of the country, the Government of India (GoI) came to its rescue and gave a stimulus package to the Bank, thereby securing the entire money of its account holders and investors.

In order to ensure smooth functioning of the projects, the Government of India (GoI) has made amendments in the Land Acquisition law, whereby the acquisition of land is made easier. Furthermore, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanism has been strengthened and amendments are brought to the Arbitration & Conciliation law respectively. The Indian Parliament has also enacted the Real Estate Regulations and is ensuring the safety of the investments made in the real estate sector by the Non Resident Indians (NRIs) and Foreign Nationals respectively.

Thus, all the above mentioned details clearly elucidate that all the Investments in India are safe and secure i.e. by way of Legislations, Government Interventions and Judicial Dictums
Authored By: Adv. Anant Sharma

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