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Anticipatory Bail & Regular Bail

Best and Experienced Lawyers online in India > Anticipatory Bail & Regular Bail (Page 9)

Laws & Legal Procedure for Divorce by Mutual Consent

Recently, there has been a rise in the divorce cases filed in India. The coronavirus outbreak has affected the personal lives of individuals by taking its toll on strained couples. Law firms and advocates have reported numerous complaints of couples who want to split-up. This article discusses the laws and the legal procedure that governs Divorce by Mutual Consent. Before 1976, the Special Marriage Act was the only Indian statute that dealt with the provisions of divorce by mutual consent. Two adults married or registered under this act could get their marriage dissolved by mutual consent. Various provisions in India...

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Explaining the Realm of Divorce Laws in India: Lawyers Advice

Marriage is considered sacramental in India. It is believed as the union of two souls. The Act does not use the term ''sacramental marriage'' but is termed as ''Hindu Marriage'' and is accepted as an obligation that needs to be fulfilled by both the spouses for all their lives. Though marriage is considered sacramental but, in case of any dispute between the husband and wife out of the matrimony, either spouse could seek a matrimonial relief or remedy. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 defines divorce as the dissolution of marriage. Under the Hindu Marriage Act, various reliefs have been...

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Legal Sanctity of a Pre-Nuptial Agreement in India

In the era of instant marriages, it is a necessity for couples to think practically before making the decision. Arranged marriages gave couples the security as their families know each other’s background pretty well. In this generation, the couples opt for pre-nuptial agreements to feel a sense of security in their relationship. No one thinks of a divorce while marrying each other but being secure in the event of divorce seems much more important. What are Pre-Nuptial Agreements?A pre-nuptial agreement or a prenup, for short, is a private agreement, mutually entered by the spouses before their marriage. Its main aim...

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Laws and Legal Procedure for Reporting Online Defamation in India

What is Online DefamationDefamation is defined under section 499 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 as whoever by words either spoken or written publishes any misinformation intending to harm someone’s reputation is guilty of defamation. The offense of Defamation is punished under section 500 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Defamation has the following essentials: i. The statement must be false. ii. The statement must refer to the plaintiff. It means that the plaintiff must prove without any reasonable doubt that the statement referred to him. A definite pointer is not necessary. iii. ...

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Legal Remedies available to a Husband against False Accusations for Cruelty & Domestic Violence: Lawyers Advice

Domestic violence against spouses is an age-old issue, but it is only after the advent of electronic and digital media that we are getting aware about them. However, it may be noted that most of these cases reported deal with the violence suffered by a woman in the hands of men. Our media fails to recognize the domestic violence suffered by men, who share same fundamental rights with women. One of the biggest reasons for such biased reporting is the failure to understand that men too are Human Beings and misandry, or prejudices against men is a reality. Few...

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Legal Tips for Quashing of First Information Report (FIR) by the High Court: Lawyers Advice

According to Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the High Courts have been conferred with inherent powers to pass any order to prevent the abuse of the procedure of the court and, otherwise meet the ends of the justice. Now, this inherent power may be utilized in quashing the First Information Report and further criminal proceedings. It may be noted that the First Information Report (FIR) shall only be quashed for offences of cognizable nature. Now, cognizable offences are those where the arrests can be made without a warrant. Also, the same shall be either bailable or...

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Legal Defences available to Male Employees in a False Case of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: Legal Advice

A Brief Introduction to “Misandry” or prejudice against males: -In today’s world, every Tom, Dick and Harry is familiar with the word, “Misogyny”, i.e. strong prejudices against a woman. However, only few of us are known to a word called “Misandry”, which is hatred or prejudices against the men. Now, sometimes this misandry in some women leads to false sexual harassment, or rape related accusations against men. Interestingly, there is a concern among the mass for the protection of the women. Also, from time to time several government and non-government agencies have formulated schemes to secure the rights of the...

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Forensic Evidence & its Evidentiary Value in a Criminal Trial: Lawyers Advice

Forensic evidence, also known as scientific evidence is information which is derived through scientific methods. With the advent of the industrial and technological age, the combined application of science and technology has changed the forensic identification game. However, some techniques although useful are violative of our fundamental rights. This article seeks to examine the evidentiary value of such forensic evidence in criminal trials. There are various types of forensic identification techniques which help recovering concealed information in a crime. A few examples of such identification techniques are – • Polygraphy (also known as the “lie-detector” test),...

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Evidentiary Value of a Ballistic Report in a Criminal Trial: Lawyers Advice

Under the Indian Evidence Act, expert opinion can aid a judge in order to form an opinion on foreign law, science, art or even to identify handwriting during a case. A ballistic expert is someone who is an expert in the study of projectiles. Their help is taken in cases where guns/firearms are involved. This article examines the evidentiary value of such a report in criminal trials along with highlighting relevant judicial pronouncements as well. Ballistic experts work closely with police officers, members of the legal profession and the judiciary as well. The general fact behind ballistics is that, “No...

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Electronic Evidence & its Evidentiary Value in a Criminal Trial: Lawyers Advice

The 21st century has witnessed a massive evolution in the e-commerce sector, not only in India, but the entire world. While almost everyone has become an avid-user of technology, the courts in India have recognised this change as well. The success of a prosecution, especially during a criminal trial is largely based on the quality of evidence presented by them. Hence, this article seeks to examine the evidentiary value of electronic evidence in India, along with the stance of the Courts as of today. The two broad types of evidence are – • Primary Evidence– This...

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