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Intellectual Property Litigation, Protection & Registration

With the advent of the 21st century the design, invention, logo and name of any product or service came into prominent knowledge of the public at large and the same started gaining importance. The same has ultimately led to the establishment and the need of the laws relating to the Intellectual Properties (IP) Laws respectively. The Intellectual Properties (IP) Laws in India broadly covers the following categories under their respective acts, codes, rules and regulations i.e.

Trademark under the Trademark Act of 1999 & the Trademark Rules of 2017

Patent under the Patents Act of 1970 & the Patent Rules of 2003

Copyright under the Copyright Act of 1957 (Amended in 2012) & the Copyright Rules of 2013

Design under the Designs Act of 2000 & the Designs Rules of 2008

Geographical Indicator under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act of 1999

All the above mentioned categories are indispensible and are required to be protected and have to be saved from any kind of duplication, infringement and passing-off and thus comes the role of the team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice.

The team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice assists and undertakes to help its querists in the following:

Conducting Investigation & Searches

Filing of applications for the registrations of copyright, design, label, logo, mark, name, patent, trademark and word mark

Filing of oppositions and representations before the Adjudicating Authority

Issuing Legal Notice for Cease & Desist

Contesting Litigation before the Boards, Courts & Tribunals

Filing & Lodging Complaints & Counter Claims

Filing of Law Suits claiming compensation and damages for the injury and losses suffered due to infringement and passing off.

The endeavour of the team of Advocates & Lawyers is to provide best in class services to the querists. The services are further extended towards preserving, safeguarding and securing the existing applied or registered Intellectual Properties (IPs) from passing-off, being duplicated or replicated and being infringed or violated in any manner.

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