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Criminal Defense & Prosecution

The criminal justice system in India saw its formal inception during the British regime and since then the same has ever since been continuously evolving. The criminal justice system can be broadly classified into two categories i.e.

Criminal Defense where under the Advocate or Lawyer has to fight for the defense of the accused and contests and represents the case of the accused before the Adjudicating Authority or the Court in the criminal trial; and

Criminal Prosecution where under the Advocate or Lawyer has to fight for the prosecution of the accused and contests and represents the case on behalf of the victim before the Adjudicating Authority or the Court in the criminal trial

The team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice assist and help the litigants in the following:

Formulation & preparation of Strategy for the criminal trial

Lodging & registration of Police Complaint

Recording of statements of the Accused and the Witness

Contesting Anticipatory Bail Applications, Regular Bail Applications & Transit Bail Applications

Contesting Framing of Charges against the Accused

Calling & Re-Calling of Witnesses

Recording Depositions of the Accused, Victim & the Witnesses

Conducting Examination in Chief of the Witness

Conducting Cross Examination of the Witness

Conducting Re-Examination of the Witness

Filing Affidavit of Evidence

Filing Written Arguments

The criminal justice system in India for conducting the criminal trial of an accused is based on the following Acts, Codes & Laws

Code of Criminal Procedure of 1973

Indian Evidence Act of 1872

The criminal justice system in India is based on the Criminal Major Acts, the Criminal Minor Acts and the Local & Special Laws & Legislations respectively. The team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice have the requisite experience and the knowledge to deal with the criminal trial. The primary laws and legislations which are being dealt by the team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice are

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Indian Penal Code of 1860

Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) of 1985

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act of 2012

Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act of 2015

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005

Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961

Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881

The team of professional Advocates & Lawyers of My Lawyers Advice work meticulously for the litigants and endeavour to assist them in their proper representation before the Courts.

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